IUI #3: Hello Little Rainbow


Man, it’s been such a hard secret to keep! This little baby has been so prayed for & already loved by so many, so we are so excited to tell you all. I am in total shock that our third IUI worked. I have had basically no symptoms & no sickness. The only difference is exhaustion because I gave up caffeine. So, when I saw that positive pregnancy test....I was shocked. We are totally over the moon. So far, the baby looks great! We are getting more monitoring this time around & I’ll be on some more medication, so hopefully that increases our chances of a healthy baby. My bloodwork has come back very high so far & for that we are so thankful. I am trying to stay relaxed... easier said than done.

As I look back on the last few months...all the pills, shots, tests, tears...they were worth it. Boy, were they worth it. I cannot wait to be a mom here on this earth. Spring cannot come soon enough!

Thank you for all of the prayers!! We will continue to keep you in the loop, via the blog. We have had our fair share of mourning moments, and so in this moment...we are dancing. We know that some people will have their opinions on us announcing earlier than most people do, but we know that you have to take each joyful moment & soak it up... so that’s what we intend to do. We have no control over whether we meet this baby in a few months, or if we don’t. But we do have control over our joy.  We know that we could lose this baby, but we are trying to trust that God has given us this baby for a reason. This baby is yours, Jesus.

You are so loved, little miracle!


  1. You had so many people praying for IUI #3!! Thank you for sharing the joy early with your tribe. :)


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