IUI #2 Failed

Yesterday we got the keys to our first house... one of the most exciting days of our lives, we also found out that our second IUI attempt failed. Those two things bring such opposite emotions...one joy & the other pain. We aren’t sure why the IUI’s keep failing, other than the issues I have that we already know about. They told us we “could try a third time if we feel optimistic about that,” which did not make me feel very optimistic. As you have read in my other blog posts, I am taking tons of intense medications to try to get pregnant... so it is super difficult to try to comprehend why it’s not working.

We still are unsure of our plan moving forward. There will be lots  of prayer going into it in the next few weeks. I am so thankful to everyone who has been praying for us & who’s loved on us during this super rough time. Right now I am going to just focus on our new house & getting projects done, to take my mind off of it. My heart is so discouraged but I know that God has a plan for our marriage & it may not be biological children... and while that is a dream that I have to grieve, I am also excited to think about adoption & what that could look like for our family. But for right now, I am still in the grieving process.

Please keep us in your prayers. We really appreciate them.


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