“How do you connect with your angel babies?”

I had this question come in so I thought I would tackle it today!

“ How do you connect with your angel babies?”

This is probably one of the hardest questions I have gotten. But keep them coming! Honestly it’s really challenging. As an angel mama you feel sort of in limbo. Like you are a mom but you have nothing to show for your child... except maybe some ultrasounds, some baby clothes, and a few sympathy cards. It is a very weird mental place to be in. I do a few things when I’m sad, or having a rough day to feel close to my babies.

1. I have a quiet place.
I strongly encourage having a quiet place that you can go when you need to grieve. Sometimes in everyday life, it’s easy to push down your emotions until you hit your breaking point. Having a quiet place allows you the space to grieve & a place to come back to. For me, it’s this beautiful cemetery where a dear family friend is buried. We have markers there for our babies. It is close to my house, when I need it. It is beautiful & quiet. It is just what I need in times of deep grief. There’s this gorgeous flowering tree there that I love, I can sit under it and take some time to truly grieve.

2. I always have a cupcake on their birthdays.
For each of my babies, I have a cupcake with a candle for their age on their birthdays. It helps me keep their memories alive. I wish that I was with them. I wish that I was giving them gifts & watching them blow out candles...but this one tiny thing helps me keep their memory alive. For one brief moment in time, it’s all about them.

3. Blogging
Blogging is a huge source of comfort for me. I love to journal & write, so this has been amazing. It pushes me to dig deep into the trenches of my grief. It forces me to be open & vulnerable. I am a “stuffer”.  I generally push my emotions down, until one day they explode into uncontrollable emotions. Blogging has forced me to let people in. To let people see my grief & see my pain. It forces me to try to put my grief into words. It also helps me to keep my babies memories alive. It helps me to educate others on what pregnancy loss looks like. I am truly honored that so many people take the time to read my blog & hear my babies stories.

4. Ivy
Specifically for my Ivy girl... ivy connects me to her. I love turning a corner on a walk and seeing tons of ivy covering a wall. It makes my heart so full. I think it’s super important to connect your babies with a piece of nature. It is a way to have little reminders of your babies throughout your day. Honestly it is one of my biggest pieces of advice.

I hope that this helped answer that question! Keep the questions coming. I’m an open book.


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