All about Clomid....

Month two of Clomid starts this week... I am definitely not excited about it. Clomid is awful. It has made me emotional, anxious, it has made me gain weight, and it makes me dizzy. but if that’s what it takes for us to have a baby... I will do it over & over again. I have had a bunch of people ask what Clomid is & what it does. So here is your brief overview of Clomid.

Clomid is very commonly used to treat infertility. It promotes ovulation in women who don’t ovulate on their own. It also helps the development of extra follicles in the ovaries of women who can ovulate without medication. Basically, the more follicles then the higher chance of it working. It also increases your chance of twins...which as a twin nanny, I would love but it is also scary.

Clomid is wonderful because it helps my body do what it needs to, but it also sucks (excuse my wording) because it makes you feel like garbage. The first day I took Clomid last month, I cried for almost 3 hours straight.... and could not stop. So please pray for me this week. I know how Clomid has effected my body already from last month, and I am very anxious about taking it again.

We also got a call today that my doctor wants me to give myself some hormone shots. I am super nervous about those but I think it’ll be okay after the first time. I am very thankful for all of my doctors & nurses for all they have done for me. They have gone above & beyond to try to help us so far. They are gracious & kind, even when I feel crazy. I pray everyone gets medical care like what I have gotten so far at this fertility clinic.

Feel free to send me any & all of your questions! Hopefully this helped explain Clomid a bit to those who were asking!



  1. Have you asked about Femara. No side effects & won't thin the lining like Clomid! Ask your RE about it.


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