Why me?

This question is my biggest struggle right now. Why me? Why am I the one with this specific trial? Why do such horrible abusive people get blessed with babies, and I don’t?

From the time I was a little girl, I was destined for motherhood. I knew I wanted to grow up, and be mom who had like 10 kids, and people thought I was crazy. I had so many people in high school tell me, “ you don’t want to go to college & have a real job?”... nope , for me motherhood was the goal. (and also mini shoutout to my momma friends... motherhood is a job & it’s the best one! I get tiny glimpses of that as a nanny... & trust me your work is valued, important & noticed.. even if it doesn’t always feel that way!! )

Anyhow...I have realized that when I ask “ Why me?”. I am challenging God’s authority in my life. He knows why. He has always known. I need to trust the Creator, King, Lord of my Life.

Isaiah 55:8-9
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways”, declares the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Sometimes I look back at this photo of myself as a child, and long to go back to those innocent days. The days where my biggest problem was which Winnie The Pooh outfit I was going to wear. However, I have already seen tiny glimpses of how God is using my story for his Kingdom. I am so humbled by that, and it encourages me to continue trusting in His plan for me. So I also encourage you in this. If you feel run down & are asking God “Why me?”... He already knows why, even if you can’t see it now. He is going to use you for the glory of His Kingdom if you let Him!

Your ways are higher than my ways, Lord.


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