We are Strong

While I personally am not a hardcore feminist, I do think that it’s important to showcase moments where women are strong and powerful. I think that one of the biggest examples of this is how women handle child loss. Whether you have lost an unborn baby, a stillborn baby, a newborn, a toddler, a child, a teenager, or an adult child.... you are strong.

The pain of outliving your child is unlike anything else. When you lose a child, you lose a part of yourself. So today I want to give a special shoutout to those women today. You are strong, you are brave, and you are incredible. You are strong for waking up every day and living through the pain. You are brave for facing things that trigger your grief and handling it with so much grace. You are incredible because your story will inspire others. I know the days are often painful and lonely, but remember that you are loved & valued.

 So Momma’s of Angels...

whether you feel like it or not, I want you to look at yourself in the mirror & say “ I am strong.”... because you are.


*Mommy of an Angel ring is from JenuinleyBeadiful on Etsy*


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