He made me perfect

This post is pretty vulnerable, and I hope that other people feel uplifted by it.

Pregnancy loss messes up your body. And not just how your body looks, but how you mentally view it. I know for myself, I felt like my body had failed my baby and physically it is taking me awhile to get back in shape. As someone who has been super insecure throughout their life, this has been very challenging for me. I have never felt like I was the prettiest of my friend group, or the most stylish.  I feel like it’s super important to talk about this, whether you have gone through losses or not, because I think women in general tend to be super hard on themselves. When I booked our trip to Florida, I remembered I needed to go swim suit shopping...such a dreaded activity. In an instant you can feel so insecure, just by trying on a swim suit. So this vacation I tried to change my mentality. Tried to embrace my curves and enjoy the time on the beach.

I know so many of my friends that have had babies & immediately afterwards get messages from people trying to sell them diet meals & beach body post baby workouts...this can be so disheartening. Their bodies have been through a lot. They have carried a baby for 9 months, then endured laboor & delivery of that baby, then had to how to care for that baby while still caring for themselves. These mommas need words of love & affirmation, not people forcing beach body workout tapes on them!

Now please don’t hear me saying you shouldn’t workout or be healthy! Because that’s not what I’m saying, I workout (not as much as I’d like to but I try) and I have been trying to eat healthier! I think it’s super important to take care of our bodies! And if you run marathons and workout everyday at 5 AM, more power to ya!! I wish I had that dedication hahaha. But I think problems begin when we find our identity or value only in our outer beauty. Trust me I have been there.

Sometimes my husband tells me “ you look so pretty” ... and I just shrug. Immediately afterwards I cringe inwardly because I know that he is being sweet & trying to compliment me. I also cringe because if I have a daughter one day, would I want her to see me cringe at a compliment from her daddy? No! I wouldn’t. And if I saw my daughter cringe at a compliment, I would sit down with her and have a similar conversation with her that I am having with y’all. I would say “ God made you perfect, He made you lovely... He made you smart ... He made you kind.  He loves you just how you are”

I want to start loving myself like that. I want to think thoughts about my body, in the way that I would talk to my daughter.

He made me perfect
He made me lovely
He made me smart
He made me kind
He loves me just how I am

So here’s to all the mommas who have just had babies, pregnant mommas, mommas who have recently lost babies, and all women. May we be strong, and view ourselves as God does. Whether you wear a size 2 or a size 18, you are beautiful in His sight. He created you and He loves you just as you are.


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