
Whenever I think of dancing, I think of David in 2 Samuel. "David was dancing before the Lord with all his might..." 

"With all his might..".

Wow. That is powerful. 

You may not want to see me dance, trust me I don't have any rhythm at all. But David didn't care, he danced with all his might. David did not have an easy life. He had many difficulties and he made many mistakes but still in this moment of joy "he danced with all his might". I can relate quite a bit to this aspect of his life. How often do we let the mourning or the mistakes of our life reign? I easily can find myself stuck in mourning at times, and I can forget to see the glorious moments that are worth dancing for. I have been trying to push myself to dance with those who are entering the phase of motherhood that I long to be in. Honestly, sometimes it is extremely challenging. No matter how much I love my friends who have kiddos or who are expecting babies, sometimes it is hard. The comparison and jealousy games can catch up with you and make you downright miserable. One thing that I use to refocus my mind on the joyful blessings in my life, is music. I recently was listening to Rend Collective's new album (this is a shoutout to them, if you haven't listened to them, you should go do it now!) and one of their songs " Counting Every Blessing" really stuck out to me. Part of the song goes like this: 

"I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing
Letting go and trusting when I cannot see
I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing
Surely every season You are good to me

You were there in the valley of shadows
You were there in the depth of my sorrows
You're my strength, my hope for tomorrow
I've been blessed beyond all measure"

Surely every season, you are good to me....in the hurting, in the joy, in the loneliness, in the waiting.. you are good to me. I will dance, for you are good. Praise the Lord. 


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