To my weary sister in waiting

I know this pain. I know the agony of thinking it will never be your time. I know the tears that you have cried. I know the physical, emotional and spiritual pain you are enduring. I know the road is exhausting and heart breaking. But do not grow weary.  There is incredible hope that awaits you & it may be closer than you think. I have told this story once before but we truly thought our third IUI had failed... we were ready to pursue adoption & see what plan God had before us...but little did we know the moment we surrendered our desire to become biological parents would be the moment our IUI worked. We still look forward to pursuing adoption after our son is born. Now I know some of you who are reading this may have trying for 10 or more years to have a baby with no success, and my heart breaks for you.

But I truly think there’s something amazing about seeing God work when we surrender our plans & our control. So my prayer for my sisters in waiting is that you don’t grow matter how long the road is for you. I pray that you can look to Jesus and see that whether it’s through your own body, surrogacy, or adoption that He has a plan for you. He desires to see you raise children who love Him & somehow He will bring a child into your home. I pray for endurance for your soul & for patience in the waiting.

I never truly thought that the belly I was injecting hormone shots into, would be the belly that is carrying our son. I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with Him & I am continually praying that for all of you who I know are still in waiting.

Don’t grow weary sisters.


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